Our boilermaker services include fabrication, installation, repair work, and boiler maintenance.
Few things are more important than achieving the correct dimensions and surface smoothness of high performing industrial parts and components. At DGH Engineering, we utilise the latest CNC machines and manufacturing software to guarantee accuracy and consistency. Ensuring your parts have the best finish and fit every time. Our machine shop has the ability and flexibility to support your needs. From complex one off components and batch runs of bushes, to reverse engineering your damaged and worn out parts. Our QA system is pivotal to delivering high quality component manufacturing.
This service is being extensively used by our clients to allow equipment condition assessments to be made prior to repair or replace decisions being made. The service provides our clients a cost-effective solution to their repair needs. The work is carried to meet the full specification of the client. Our DIR services have provided repeat clients with the assurance that their needs have been thoroughly met with sufficient information to make further decisions regarding repair or replacement of unit items or parts
DGH Engineering is a leading engineering company, with 250+ employees, operating in and around Mackay, Central Queensland, Emerald, Townsville and Proserpine. DGH Engineering have workshop facilities in Mackay and Emerald with offices in both Proserpine and Townsville.
Our boilermaker services include fabrication, installation, repair work, and boiler maintenance.
DGH Engineering provides comprehensive mining machinery engineering and fabrication services, offering clients exceptional flexibility and expertise.
14-18 Boundary Road, Paget Queensland 4740
Phone: (07) 4968 2900
26 Auscan Crescent, Garbutt, Queensland, 4814
Phone: (07) 4766 8372
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